Recent content by Beetle_Rain

  1. Beetle_Rain

    Is my leopard tortoise to small for its age?

    His current diet is so many things spring mix without the spinach, endive, escarole, arugula, dandelion greens, cactus pads, and some other items I can’t remember off the top of my head. I supplement my grocery store greens with tons of dried options from Kapidolo farms and I supplement twice a...
  2. Beetle_Rain

    Is my leopard tortoise to small for its age?

    I just ordered an official greenhouse top for his enclosure but I have his current set up posted on my page except I changed his water dish for a large terracotta saucer and took a lot of the clutter out per the suggestion of others. As for heat during the day I use a 100 watt ceramic heat...
  3. Beetle_Rain

    Is my leopard tortoise to small for its age?

    I am currently using this method until I can get him a full enclosed chamber however I’ve not had any issues with his humidity or heat being wrong since I’ve had him
  4. Beetle_Rain

    Is my leopard tortoise to small for its age?

    Thank you so much I will make as many improvements as I can. I have a horrible feeling that it’s already to late that I can’t shake off I weighed him this morning and he’s down to 43 grams but still very active and eating and I feed him a lot twice a day way more than he should be able to eat so...
  5. Beetle_Rain

    Is my leopard tortoise to small for its age?

    Thank you! I’m going to do my best and hope everything works out!
  6. Beetle_Rain

    Is my leopard tortoise to small for its age?

    This is exactly what I feared and it’s my fault for not asking the right questions when I got him I was just so excited I waited for three years of careful planning before feeling ready for him. I love him so much and I’m not ready to lose him and I won’t give up if he won’t give up! Right now...
  7. Beetle_Rain

    Is my leopard tortoise to small for its age?

    I weigh him after his soak and I try to only weigh him once a week and I weigh him the exact same way with a Vivarium Electronics DS-6000 Digital Scale it’s not quite the fluctuations I’m worried on it’s more of the lack of weight gain I feel he should be like twice his size at least compared to...
  8. Beetle_Rain

    Is my leopard tortoise to small for its age?

    Hi I got my leopard tortoise from a breeder at Repticon January 21st of this year and his first documented weight was 43 grams it’s now a little over three months later and he’s only about 2.25 inches long and he kind of fluctuates between 46 and 50 grams. I was not told a hatch date so I’m...
  9. Beetle_Rain

    Food suggestions for leopard tortoise!

    Hi! I wanted to share everything I provide for my baby Leopard Tortoise it’s going to be a long list but I’d like to know if anyone thinks I am missing anything important or need to take anything out! Fresh greens: - endive - escarole - arugula - hibiscus leaves - spring mix (spinach removed) -...
  10. Beetle_Rain

    Our current enclosure!

    Thank you! He is around 5 inches maybe a little less! I’ll definitely be changing the water dish and removing the hay area and some of the items he really only climbs through them. He gets a very varied diet the hay was just more of an option so no worries there!
  11. Beetle_Rain

    Our current enclosure!

    Heading to the store today then to pick up a lower bulb! Thank you!! And I’ll change his water dish tonight as well I have a stock pile of supplies I can dig through!
  12. Beetle_Rain

    Hi everyone!

    Sorry I seem to be struggling with the site on my phone!
  13. Beetle_Rain

    Hi everyone!

    Hi! I actually posted Hi! Thank you so much I actually posted his set up as well! The only thing on this list I’m working on is lowering his basking spot temp! I’m gunna buy a lower wattage bulb as suggested by another member. So this makes me feel pretty good about his enclosure since I...
  14. Kimchi’s meal 1/1/24

    Kimchi’s meal 1/1/24

    Really enjoyed todays meal! Kale, hibiscus leaves, arugula, mazuri LS pellets, and a small cactus bloom
  15. Beetle_Rain

    Our current enclosure!

    Hi I wanted to share my baby’s current enclosure and maybe get some feed back on how I can improve! He currently lives in a 4 foot by 2 foot custom built wooden enclosure the inside is lined with plastic then a garden fabric to keep the moisture in along with a completely covered top! This gives...