Recent content by BearTheTurtle

  1. BearTheTurtle


    Thank you!
  2. BearTheTurtle


    No. This is my first time to notice it.
  3. BearTheTurtle


    My three toed box turtle who is roughly three years old, started to scratch her head when she was soaking, this is my first time to see it. She did poop after she was scratching. So maybe that’s why? Is the normal? Thank you in advance
  4. BearTheTurtle

    Happy {late} birthday Bear!

    Thank you 😀
  5. BearTheTurtle


    Thank you
  6. BearTheTurtle


  7. BearTheTurtle

    Happy {late} birthday Bear!

    Saturday was Bear’s 3rd birthday! Happy birthday Bear! I can’t believe It’s already been a year! Hear are some birthday photos and videos:
  8. BearTheTurtle


    Are these good?
  9. BearTheTurtle


    If not, can I have some suggestions for small plants that will grow well inside, and in coco coir? Thank You!
  10. BearTheTurtle


    I am looking into getting plants for my box turtles indoor enclosure. I was looking into Lemon , and Sweet basil. Are these okay? Or are they toxic if eaten?
  11. BearTheTurtle

    27 subscribers!!!😍

    Bear officially has 27 subscribers on her YouTube channel!!! (BearTheTurtle) Once she hits 1,000 subscribers, we will do a Q&A live stream!
  12. BearTheTurtle

    Box turtle age

    Aw man… I hope she doesn’t lose her color!
  13. BearTheTurtle

    Box turtle age

    I found her on a flat bed trailer when someone came to mow my yard. 😂 don’t know how she got there lol
  14. BearTheTurtle

    Box turtle age

    She has three hind toes. Do you think she is a three toed or an ordinate?