Project pet AD, the good&bAD- does anyone wish to help/contribute?

Shall I create content using pet ads?

  • Go for it, nothing to loose!

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • No, it could cause overwhelm/confusion or offence

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Leave it to a more experienced member

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hey folks! Hope all are wellšŸ˜Šbit of a random one and this might seem stupid to ask about but Iā€™m curious on your guys input.

My moms partner has a red foot weā€™re upgrading(all is going good and I keep people updated on her upgrade thread) itā€™s sparked a huge interest in tortoise care for me, Iā€™m currently only really familiar with red foot care but Iā€™m getting into learning more about different species needs, Iā€™d really love to have my own! but even if I never do, I find it all super interesting, be nice to think I could put everything Iā€™ve learnt on here to good use one day, I love coming on this forum in my spare time to learn stuff!

Anyway, idk why I do this to myself, cause itā€™s basically torturešŸ„²but does anyone else ever just peruse re home sites to see whatā€™s out there? Lol, like I say I really donā€™t know why I do it considering I know itā€™s likely going to be a horror show out there and mess with my head, to no surprise when looking last night there was no end to tiny set ups, tortoise kept and being sold in pairs, beech chip bedding, pellet bedding, colourful pellet food, sawdust, no uv, red bulbs, pyramiding, overgrown beaks, someone selling a ā€˜herman red footā€™šŸ„²you name it, it was therešŸ˜­

Iā€™ve decided to start reaching out to some these people directly after some encouragement from other membersšŸ˜ŠI wished Iā€™d done that any time Iā€™ve looked at bad ads, but Iā€™ve always had this fear of them removing the listing altogetheršŸ˜£

There were a few in particular that really stood out and pulled at my heart strings the other night.. and it got me thinking.. I wonder if thereā€™s anyway to use all these never ending ads as a learning opportunity, going back I considered creating a tiktok account or something featuring different pet ads, at the time my focus was going to be hamsters and small rodents cause Iā€™d consider myself much more knowledgable on their care, Iā€™m still out of my depth when it comes to reptile care really, I wanted the account to feature both good and bad ads, explaining whatā€™s good about them, why itā€™s good and explaining why the bad stuff is bad, then ending each segment with the most cost effective way to temporarily make the enclosure more comfortable for the animal until an appropriate home is found, Iā€™ve seen a few small animal channels create similar content but thereā€™s not a lot actually out there with this kind of format, especially for tortoise, so I felt like maybe thereā€™s a gap here that could actually be helpful?

My hope with it all is, for not only the people posting the ads themselves to see it and hopefully take the information in, but for the countless people out there keeping their animals in similar set ups thinking itā€™s the norm(mostly thanks to the dodgy pet industry&questionable breeders)to hopefully see the content and better their care, many of these tort owners that come to this forum after having spent a huge amount in a pet store only to find out theyā€™ve been advised incorrectly, or their tortoise is starting to become poorly due to improper careā˜¹ļøI think it would be so handy for people to visually see common mistakes that are made.

It goes without saying thereā€™s no end to animals being kept in bad conditions, sometimes through no ill will of the owner, and I know thereā€™s countless channels and accounts dedicated to reptile/small animal care that could do a better job than I ever could, I just personally thought the format of something like this could be kind of interesting? there would always be different new ads to go through and I think seeing so many different set ups could make good viewing instead of the usual relay of the same information a lot of channels have? I certainly find looking at different set ups interesting but maybe thatā€™s just mešŸ„²itā€™d be a nice opportunity for people to see different examples of good set ups too!

As Iā€™ve said Iā€™m still of out of my depth when it comes to reptile care, so if I were to try and do something like this Id love to be able to direct people to this forum for the specific information on the care of the type of tortoise they have(I genuinely believe every tortoise owner should check this forum out)

However I do at this stage feel Iā€™ve learnt enough on here from you guys to spot the major red flags that I think are important to address when it comes to their care, and had no idea just how rampant the problems were until joining the forum! like dangerous substrate, the danger of cohabitation, having the right uv&diet, why the sizing of an enclosure is important. Iā€™d definitely have to leave some specifics as Iā€™m still very much learning, for which itā€™d be great to direct people here.

I almost wish I could see content like this from an experienced member cause Iā€™d find it entertaining to watch and theyā€™d do a much better jobšŸ˜‚but Iā€™m potentially up for the challenge!šŸ„²

Iā€™d definitely want to keep things as chill and respectful as possible no matter the condition of the set up, last thing Iā€™d wanna do is offend someone or risk them taking the ad down altogether so the tort canā€™t get a better home, I wouldnā€™t want it to feel like a public attack, though there are undoubtedly some that make you want tošŸ˜£I probably wouldnā€™t even show my face, it could just be a voice over

Would anyone be interested, if I were to post some pics of the ads on here first, coming up ways to advise the owner on temporarily making things better?(it would just be pictures of the setup and/or the description theyā€™ve put, no names or anything)The person themselves might not see it, but it would give the opportunity for lots of creative ideas to come together, maybe inspiring those with similar out dated set ups that often find themselves here panicking theyā€™ve brought the wrong stuff, it would also be nice to think it could prevent the tortoise in the ads themselves being housed inappropriately by future prospective ownersšŸ™‚

Ultimately I suppose all you can hope is, even if one need is still refused to be met, like enclosure sizing(biggest issue I came across), that at the very least, hazardous things can be removed and appropriate substrate added.

You could also add ones from wherever youā€™re from!(including the red flags you personally see in them for me to include in the post)Any of the ones I post, Iā€™d messages the ops myself, but Iā€™d encourage others to do the same for the ones they might add.

Iā€™ve seen how dedicated lots of experienced members are here when giving advice, I see many new members make threads daily repeating some of these common mistakes(again, most the time through no ill intentions)and how wonderful everyone is to take the time to go in depth, kindly and respectfully as possible, no matter the situation, over and over on the care for the specific needs of each tortoise, answering the same questions, sometimes multiple times a day, for each new member here willing to learn! Itā€™s genuinely heartwarmingšŸ„°

So I figured maybe some of you might enjoy contributing to this possible project?

It wouldnā€™t have to be an in depth answer on each tortoises care because I could link the care sheets to each of the species featured, it would just need to be some quick suggestions on how youā€™d immediately improve the enclosures, or where appropriate, a new cost effective temporary set up is needed, based on some pictures.

I know the tortoise lover in all of us for the most part, will want to suggest completely new enclosures right away, but I do think itā€™s important to bare in mind with these listings, most of the current owners that are already looking to re home, donā€™t want to spend the money/time on a completely new set up and some donā€™t have the space. I think itā€™ll be best to suggest the most cost effective ways possible, where possible, to help the tortoise feel more comfortable for the time being in their set ups.

I do lastly want to add I think itā€™s important, no matter how dire some of the set ups may appear, that everyone would need to stay as kind and respectful as possible because the ultimate goal here is to encourage owners to become apart of this community on the forum, I wouldnā€™t want them to feel like thereā€™s lots of hostility before they potentially sign up.

What are peoples opinions in trying something like this? Could it back fire and be counterproductive? As in just offend the owners? Or put people off posting ads for animals that desperately deserve a new home?? I like to think it could encourage them to at least include the right information for future owners but Iā€™m curious if people think this is a good idea?šŸ˜•
If so please do feel free to tag members in this thread who you think might enjoy contributing towards this project!

Maybe Iā€™m not the right person for the jobšŸ˜‚but bad pet ads have always really bothered me! Yet I canā€™t look awayšŸ„²perhaps itā€™s me secretly wanting my own tortšŸ¤£


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hi folks! Not sure if this post wasnā€™t the most popular idea or fell under the radaršŸ„²Iā€™m guessing potentially the formeršŸ˜‚
But Iā€™m commenting in the hopes of more members seeing in the event it got buried under other threadsšŸ˜Š

I think moving forward, the goal for this project would be to stick with just the forum for now instead of posting on other platforms, I figured this might me a good place to direct new members if they seem confused on why their set up is incorrect, theyā€™ll be able to visually see the most common mistakes people make, why theyā€™re bad and how to improve.
It would also be a good place to post listings made by questionable breeders, showing the types to avoid and whyšŸ™‚

Iā€™m hoping itā€™ll also encourage people to reach out to these listings themselves, providing owners with a link to the forumšŸ˜Š

@wellington @SinLA and @COmtnLady seemed down for the idea so far?šŸ™‚


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Apr 19, 2022
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Los Angeles
I'm always up for it, but the listings I see are usually people selling OFF their pets so they don't really care. Some of them likely are breeders, but I think mostly they care for money. And I have no idea who is spending $200-500 on a sulcata that looks like a hand grenade. I have even seen some of these for thousands. I can't imagine they actually sell, so I don't really know what happens. But I say - it never hurts to try!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
I'm always up for it, but the listings I see are usually people selling OFF their pets so they don't really care. Some of them likely are breeders, but I think mostly they care for money. And I have no idea who is spending $200-500 on a sulcata that looks like a hand grenade. I have even seen some of these for thousands. I can't imagine they actually sell, so I don't really know what happens. But I say - it never hurts to try!
Yeah thereā€™s definitely a lot who simply donā€™t care and will never check the forumšŸ˜žbut itā€™s some what of a comfort to think we could at least use the poor tortoises set up as a learning curve for others to do betteršŸ¤žšŸ»
Iā€™ve spoke to a few people since messaging the listings who were actually quite open and understanding which is always refreshing! I think when you approach a certain way, theyā€™re happy to listen, some wonā€™t and never will lol, but those who have only ever meant well are definitely open to doing betteršŸ˜
For the ones I have ready to post, I have updates for most of them so a few have closure and a happier endingšŸ˜Š


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2020
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While putting the listings here is decidedly "preaching to the choir", the more light that is shined on some of this crummy stuff, the more likely something can be done.

Despite how difficult and depressing the actions of other humans can be to deal with, its the animal's welfare that is more important. I'm not sure we can make an impact, but not doing anything means there would definitely not be a good outcome.

Does anyone have an update on that poor tortoise from a couple weeks ago that had been so mistreated that you could see its shell flex when it breathed?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
While putting the listings here is decidedly "preaching to the choir", the more light that is shined on some of this crummy stuff, the more likely something can be done.

Despite how difficult and depressing the actions of other humans can be to deal with, its the animal's welfare that is more important. I'm not sure we can make an impact, but not doing anything means there would definitely not be a good outcome.

Does anyone have an update on that poor tortoise from a couple weeks ago that had been so mistreated that you could see its shell flex when it breathed?
I completely agree with you! Iā€™ve been very hesitant about this project for fear of offending well meaning owners, but Iā€™ve remained completely kind and respectful towards anyone Iā€™ve messaged, weā€™ve all made mistakes in pet care, Iā€™ll start posting some today and again will remain completely neutral(aside from the ones that gave zero sh*ts about their welfare) there were ones that were very grateful, updated their ads and they ended up going to a better home, so thatā€™ll be nice to show you guysšŸ˜Šunfortunately there are some bad ones with no closurešŸ˜žbut their unfortunate care can hopefully help others learn betterā¤ļø


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Thought Iā€™d get the ball rolling with these, Iā€™m noting down the red flags I saw personally, the good things if any, and things Iā€™m unsure of, that would be great to have input on. Iā€™m still very much learning and lack some of the hands on experience lots of members have on here.

All the ops of the listings have been contacted directly(though unfortunately some disappeared too quick for me to contactšŸ˜£)Iā€™d encourage everyone to do the same with ones you may find. Feel free to add them here, including the red flags you personally see.

Each one doesnā€™t need to be super in depth as Iā€™ve already linked the owners to the appropriate care sheets on the forum(and suggested to pass onto future owners)just some brief thoughts youā€™d like to add to help the tortoise feel more comfortable and those in similar set ups.

Feel free to respond to as many as you like, but if you feel more confident giving advice on one listing, pick and choosešŸ˜Šjust be sure to reply to that specific one so itā€™s easier to keep track on which one youā€™re giving the advice tošŸ‘šŸ»

These will just be kept to this thread for now. Thank you and happy posting!šŸ™‚


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
First up we have this little horsefield tortoise

Red flags Iā€™ve mentioned to the owner:

His beak appears overgrown, however according to the owners response it looks that way due to previous injuries caused from being housed with another male, not by them personally.

I originally thought the substrate was beech wood chips, but on closer inspection I donā€™t think it is, so my bad lol

One of the claws appeared strange but turned out itā€™s a piece of hayšŸ˜…so that was my bad toošŸ„²

Red heat bulb that needs switching to a floodlight paired with a che for night heat/to make up heat in cold weather, both on their own thermostat, owner said the tort spends lots of time outside viv so the red bulb is fine, theyā€™ve always had it with no issuesšŸ™ƒ

No mention of UV, that needs adding if there is none, they didnā€™t respond to that.

Dial measuring temp, need a digital combometer ideally to measuring both temp and humidity and the dials can sometimes be inaccurate? they said they had no problem with the gauge but I said I was curious if they have a temp gun or something to double check that, no response.

Ultimately if those changes are made this enclosure can be used as a temporary measure by a new owner, but they need to be made aware they need to upgrade to an ideal minimum space of 8x4 foot asap, or better yet, have a similar space already set up.

The owner told be they feel the size viv is perfect and that theyā€™ve seen plenty in smalleršŸ˜¬

The owner wasnā€™t very happy to receive my advice unfortunately, despite being respectful about it allā˜¹ļøhowever I did jump the gun on a few things like the substrate, claw and beak, so I may have understandably got their back up, they were the first I messaged so lesson learned.

Any thoughts you would add/change about my advice?šŸ˜Š


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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Next up we have what appears to be a little Herman

Red flags Iā€™ve mentioned to the owner:

There appears to be some MBD present based on the photos, the pyramiding of their shell is quite severe.

Their beak appears overgrown, could be improper care or lack of something to naturally wear it down, suggested large slate to serve food to help

Suggested they need to find someone with a 8x4 space to appropriately house this guy, with UV, correct heating and so forth.

I did also suggest either they or the new owner try to search for an appropriate vet for a check up, though I did warn them it can be very few and far between when finding one that knows what they are doing when it comes to tortoise treatment, I did highly encourage them to check out the forum and included links.

Owner read message but didnā€™t respond unfortunately.

Any thoughts you would add/change about my advice?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Next up we have this pair of leopard tortoise

Red flags Iā€™ve mentioned to owner:

They need to be re homed/re housed separately asap

The enclosure is far too small for even one of these guys let alone both

Lack of hides/shade, though that could have just been for the pictures

Green flags:

I can see a thermostat and Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s UV in there

Is there a better substrate than aspen for these guys? What do you keep your leopards on?

Obviously these guys need a bigger enclosure, how big would you recommend they go?

How would you personally get this temporarily fixed for one of them?

Owner read message but didnā€™t respond unfortunately.

Any other thoughts to add/change about my advice?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Next up we have this horsefield tortoise

Red flags Iā€™ve mentioned to the owner:

The enclosure is far too small for any adult tortoise imo, advised they need to find someone who can provide an appropriate 8x4 space for them to live, or as close to that as possible

To change up the substrate

To have something reliable like a digital thermometer measuring temperatures as I didnā€™t see anything like that.

I didnā€™t see any mention of UV and couldnā€™t see any in pictures, if thatā€™s missing it needs adding asap.

Owner hasnā€™t read message upon posting this.

Any thoughts to add/ changes to my advice?šŸ˜Š


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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Finally for today, we have this pair of young red foots

Red flags Iā€™ve mentioned to the owner:

They need to ideally not be sold as a pair, unless an owner can be found that is willing to have two separate sizeable enclosures, or a large appropriate space available. Whilst I believe juvenile red foots can be kept together? As they mature, the more territorial they can become, especially in this kind of sized set up, Iā€™m sure established groups do fine, but such a big space is needed to make that work, someone like that will be hard to find in the uk, I imagine most who can accommodate already have established groups and arenā€™t looking to re home. Advised these guys need to be homed separately, to people who can provide a bare minimum of 8x4, though ideally much larger is needed for a red foot.

They need appropriate substrate, not coco fibre carpet, recommend orchid bark listed for reptiles, as garden sorts can have pesticides.

A new terracotta dish would be best to be added as a water dish, to sit flush with the substrate, the current one could be a hazard if one were to flip in there.

The pellet food looks a bit questionable

Green flags:

They do both appear in decent condition with little to no pyramiding from what I can make out on the photos, so despite the coco carpet, humidity must not be too bad

The owner thanked me for the advice, and when I went back to the ad they updated it to say the viv isnā€™t included, so Iā€™m hoping that means theyā€™re selling separately nowšŸ˜

Any thoughts to add/things youā€™d change about my advice?šŸ˜Š


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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
I have plenty more to add, but Iā€™ll leave it there for today as to not overwhelm the thread, I really hope this can be a helpful tool for future/present ownersšŸ„°


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Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 10, 2016
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Maybe ask them to give the tortoise forum website information to whomever they sell too?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Maybe ask them to give the tortoise forum website information to whomever they sell too?
I added that on all the messages too with the appropriate links to pass onšŸ˜Šalso let them know thereā€™s an adoption section if they were interested
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Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
First up we have this little horsefield tortoise

Red flags Iā€™ve mentioned to the owner:

His beak appears overgrown, however according to the owners response it looks that way due to previous injuries caused from being housed with another male, not by them personally.

I originally thought the substrate was beech wood chips, but on closer inspection I donā€™t think it is, so my bad lol

One of the claws appeared strange but turned out itā€™s a piece of hayšŸ˜…so that was my bad toošŸ„²

Red heat bulb that needs switching to a floodlight paired with a che for night heat/to make up heat in cold weather, both on their own thermostat, owner said the tort spends lots of time outside viv so the red bulb is fine, theyā€™ve always had it with no issuesšŸ™ƒ

No mention of UV, that needs adding if there is none, they didnā€™t respond to that.

Dial measuring temp, need a digital combometer ideally to measuring both temp and humidity and the dials can sometimes be inaccurate? they said they had no problem with the gauge but I said I was curious if they have a temp gun or something to double check that, no response.

Ultimately if those changes are made this enclosure can be used as a temporary measure by a new owner, but they need to be made aware they need to upgrade to an ideal minimum space of 8x4 foot asap, or better yet, have a similar space already set up.

The owner told be they feel the size viv is perfect and that theyā€™ve seen plenty in smalleršŸ˜¬

The owner wasnā€™t very happy to receive my advice unfortunately, despite being respectful about it allā˜¹ļøhowever I did jump the gun on a few things like the substrate, claw and beak, so I may have understandably got their back up, they were the first I messaged so lesson learned.

Any thoughts you would add/change about my advice?šŸ˜Š

I think, you should focus on "life-saving" points with such ads. 4x2 viv is certainly small, but it's not a shoe box. Replacing it is expensive and requires labour (you know it from your own experience). It's very unlikely that someone who sell a tortoise "due to lack of time" and have a newborn (babies are more expensive than tortoises) will invest money in the new enclosure.

Gauge thermometers/hygrometers are inaccurate but usually the least of the concerns.

However, when they say "outside the viv", I'm afraid that means free roaming, not a large fenced yard. This should be stopped if they plan to sell live tortoise.

And concerns about red bulb and lack of UVB lamp are perfectly valid. I would offer some sunbathing (if weather allows) and a floodlight. I suppose that it's getting warmer now and night heat is redundant for an adult Russian.

There is no water dish in the enclosure - could be fixed easily and cheap. Just with a plastic plate from Ikea.

While it will be a no near perfect setup, this should help tortoise to stay alive until it finds a better home.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
I think, you should focus on "life-saving" points with such ads. 4x2 viv is certainly small, but it's not a shoe box. Replacing it is expensive and requires labour (you know it from your own experience). It's very unlikely that someone who sell a tortoise "due to lack of time" and have a newborn (babies are more expensive than tortoises) will invest money in the new enclosure.

Gauge thermometers/hygrometers are inaccurate but usually the least of the concerns.

However, when they say "outside the viv", I'm afraid that means free roaming, not a large fenced yard. This should be stopped if they plan to sell live tortoise.

And concerns about red bulb and lack of UVB lamp are perfectly valid. I would offer some sunbathing (if weather allows) and a floodlight. I suppose that it's getting warmer now and night heat is redundant for an adult Russian.

There is no water dish in the enclosure - could be fixed easily and cheap. Just with a plastic plate from Ikea.

While it will be a no near perfect setup, this should help tortoise to stay alive until it finds a better home.
Yeah I agree, I learnt a lot from this one as it was my first, the more I did the more I realised I needed to focus on the most important points and let them discover the rest.
I did say in my message to let the owner know to upgrade though, didnā€™t want for them to worry about that as they are looking to rehome, just made suggestions they could include in their current one like the lighting to make tort more comfortable, I think I did offend them unfortunately, though I was perfectly kind, thereā€™s parts I definitely shouldā€™ve worded better, but hopefully theyā€™ll check out the links I sentšŸ˜Š
I did apologise too for any offence I caused and for jumping the gun on some stuff


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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My sister has been involved in turtle and tortoise rescue...breeding and keeping for close to 40 years now I think, and until recently I operated a small special needs turtle and tortoise rescue and have chelonia of my own. Both of us have been involved with TFO since 2008...I tell you this so you understand while I am no expert, I do have some hands on experience and that's what I use when I offer advice. My own personal opinion, and not in any way my sister's, is that at times we jump on the newbie with Temps? Substrate? container? Yikes!!! all those questions...but when you are new and several of us jump in with them, it can be a bit threatening and scaring....some newbies leave right away. While I do agree we are here especially for the tortoise, just possibly we need to also learn a better way of treating some scared new person while getting our needed information, that also the care of the keeper is necessary too... Sometimes however the information is flexible...simply put...the recommended space for a redfoot is 8'x4'. Generally speaking...I have a 3 year old Redfoot who lives in a 6'x2.5' greenhouse/tort table inside, but she has a very large outside enclosure. How about posting the how to sticky we have on most species first...then asking after they read it if that might fit for them. Then ask the questions, I'm just saying an idea cuz at times the first person to reply might be a bit aggressive in the questioning...I have myself, truthfully. If several of us jump on the care of said new tortoise that can be threatening as well, I also think you can overload these new people with information and they only retain one or two things. You asked, so I told...I mean no disrespect and other than myself, I point no fingers at any one member.

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Yeah I agree, I learnt a lot from this one as it was my first, the more I did the more I realised I needed to focus on the most important points and let them discover the rest.
I did say in my message to let the owner know to upgrade though, didnā€™t want for them to worry about that as they are looking to rehome, just made suggestions they could include in their current one like the lighting to make tort more comfortable, I think I did offend them unfortunately, though I was perfectly kind, thereā€™s parts I definitely shouldā€™ve worded better, but hopefully theyā€™ll check out the links I sentšŸ˜Š
I did apologise too for any offence I caused and for jumping the gun on some stuff
I think, passing a link to the care sheet or just mentioning TFO will be the best. They seem to care about their tort, so are probably interested in him having a better care.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
My sister has been involved in turtle and tortoise rescue...breeding and keeping for close to 40 years now I think, and until recently I operated a small special needs turtle and tortoise rescue and have chelonia of my own. Both of us have been involved with TFO since 2008...I tell you this so you understand while I am no expert, I do have some hands on experience and that's what I use when I offer advice. My own personal opinion, and not in any way my sister's, is that at times we jump on the newbie with Temps? Substrate? container? Yikes!!! all those questions...but when you are new and several of us jump in with them, it can be a bit threatening and scaring....some newbies leave right away. While I do agree we are here especially for the tortoise, just possibly we need to also learn a better way of treating some scared new person while getting our needed information, that also the care of the keeper is necessary too... Sometimes however the information is flexible...simply put...the recommended space for a redfoot is 8'x4'. Generally speaking...I have a 3 year old Redfoot who lives in a 6'x2.5' greenhouse/tort table inside, but she has a very large outside enclosure. How about posting the how to sticky we have on most species first...then asking after they read it if that might fit for them. Then ask the questions, I'm just saying an idea cuz at times the first person to reply might be a bit aggressive in the questioning...I have myself, truthfully. If several of us jump on the care of said new tortoise that can be threatening as well, I also think you can overload these new people with information and they only retain one or two things. You asked, so I told...I mean no disrespect and other than myself, I point no fingers at any one member.
You raise some very valid points here, I was very conscious in my messages to keep them as to the point as I possibly could, and let them all know in no way will anyone think bad of them, we all make mistakes.
I am going to be limiting some of the info moving forward though and focusing on the most important pressing points.
With regards to the flexible sizing, I do agree, where Iā€™m from itā€™s incredibly difficult to find people with 8x4 spaces for indoor vivs, itā€™s unfortunate but itā€™s very common here. I made sure I included that on the messages and to go with someone that can offer up the largest space theyā€™re able.
I think I shall take your suggestion moving forward in just giving them the appropriate links, giving them the opportunity to ask questions if they wish, Iā€™ll just add the points on here for other members to learn from perhaps.
I did also add on all the messages, no matter the set up, everyone on here is so kind and means well, the info can be overwhelming but people are there to help break it down should they want to post a quick question themselves.

Thank you very much for your input! Itā€™s been much appreciated!